When you’re purchasing a new van, there are quite a few options available when it comes to paying for it. Some places will allow you to pay upfront and you never have to worry about the cost again, while many choose options that will allow them to pay off the car over a certain number of months or years. One of the best ways to purchase a new vehicle is by utilising part exchange.
But what is part exchange and how can it help? Read on to find out more.
Part Exchange Guide
Part exchange is an extremely helpful way to help you purchase your next vehicle, while also getting rid of your own one at the same time. It is actually a fairly simple concept, where the price of your old van is used as part of the deal for your new one.
The dealer will put a value on your old van and then using this value they will detract this from the new vehicle. So if you are purchasing a car for £15,000 and your old car is valued at £5,000, using part exchange the new price of the car will be £10,000.
The value of your old car is determined by a number of factors including make, model, condition, age and service history. Part exchange is a very convenient option for purchasing a new vehicle, as you can simply swap your old car for a new one without going through the hassle of trying to sell your old one.
The one disadvantage of part exchange is that your valuation might not be the amount of money you could get for your van privately. However as part exchange is extremely straightforward and helpful, you might be fine with this as it equals the price of convenience.
Part Exchange Vans With Vanaways
When purchasing a new van with Vanaways, we are able to offer part exchange options. We retail used vans ourselves so you will always get the best price against your new vehicle. If your current van is on finance or lease, you can still utilise part exchange to settle your outstanding finance.
It is a hassle-free way of changing your van so you don’t have to go through the process of selling it. We can even collect your van when we deliver your new one, so you don’t have to worry about anything! You can simply fill in an online appraisal form which will detail your vehicle’s history and condition, then we can let you know the valuation!
You’ll be able to part exchange your vehicle against the full range of amazing vehicles available at Vanaways, including a range of body types and makes from top manufacturers.
If you’d like to find out more about part exchange and how you can benefit, get in touch with us today.